Friday, August 29, 2014

The North Face® Ultra-Trail du Mont-Blanc® (UTMB) 2014

The reason you don't DNF this race is the cost and the long flight-time. It's at least SGD2,000 for a budget trip of 5days to Chamonix and back and many hours of flying, not counting the time and money spent to clock qualifying points. If money is no problem, then just ballot yearly and enjoy the lucky draw =)

2014 - Rain at the start made sure that it was not the simplest of UTMB races, which was a good experience worth collecting and at the same time it was not one worth forgetting via DNF , cancellation or shortening of race course.

The most runnable high elevation course that I have done thus far, the down slopes were safe to run for most part of the 168km route until maybe the last 20km. I mean even on a gravel track, there was a pathway that had almost no gravel on it throughout the race course. Call it a track within a track. The grassy or soft mud downslopes were even highly comfortable to run on, making such sections 'posh' (thick-carpet experience).

The only trouble that I really faced was when my headlamp started to act as if the battery power, including those provided by the race organisers and helpful runners, was diminishing too fast because of the cold. I mean new to no lights in 5 minutes. I was even left in complete darkness beside a cliff for 'forever' (I meant 30 seconds). I daren't even move an inch until the next runner (Tom) came and I asked for a spare light which wasn't bright enough too. I thus had to run with Tom step for step until the next checkpoint which he had generously offered and kindly led. A didn't have much problems with this as I have always practiced using minimal light and regularly not using my light, but leeching off the light of runners in front or behind me, to save battery. Thank God for 'Kiasuism'.

Reaching the safety of the checkpoint, I had either to find a good headlamp or restart when the sun is out. Good thing for me Rick, Tom's friend allowed me to decide on the first option and I was able to finish the race in 35h+.

Without wanting to give too much away and spoiling the fun for you guys, I would just say the first quarter of the race is relatively simple and the next 3/4 is generally up and down with the rest of the elevation well spread out with each climb up about 800m.

The crowd support is tremendous which I consider the highlight of the race and of course the snow capped mountains. Overall scenery enjoyment cannot beat Indo's which is more dynamic due to the varying landscape.

Probably with all the hype and buzz heightening expectations as well as already experiencing a Liverpool Match and La Tomatina for t his month long Europe trip catered around UTMB, I reached Chamonix a little deflated emotionally. It was kinda weird that I was unable to really feel excited, nervous or anything other than it's something that I just had to go through. The only fun I had from the whole Chamonix portion of my Europe trip was the fuzzy feel when meeting fellow Singaporean friends.

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